- 'I never saw a black man with a golden retriever' - 2020
- The End - Now in Color. #1 - 2020
- Phone case - 2020
- Man in the mirror - 2019
- Ball-bra - 2019
- My Little Pony - drawing - 2018
- Lijn 99 - 2018
- de Correspondent - 02/01/2018
- Wallet - 2018
- Vilnius Action Exhibition: BOXING - 01/10/2017
- de Correspondent - 15/08/2017
- My little pony - 2017
- N 31° 47’ 1.334” - 2017
- Bonuskaart crimineel - 2017
- Death by design 02 - 2017
- Self love - 2017
- Caring is sharing - 2017
- Stealing from myself - 2016
- Death by design 01 - 2016
- At face value - 2016
- The end is near - 2012

'My little pony' handdrawn poster,
91 x 61 cm.
For de Correspondent article: "Denk in 2018 niet in goede voornemens, maar in dagelijkse rituelen"

Vilnius Action workshop: BOXING project page.
For de Correspondent "Waarom de hele wereld erop vooruitgaat als jij decennia eerder met pensioen gaat"

PAPIER MAGAZINE, a French illustration magazine promoting this medium as well as top contemporary illustrators.
The theme of PAPIER #3: « Provocation »
Format ou paysage 35,5x54cm
Title: N 31° 47' 1.334"
"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." - Donald J. Trump, Presidential announcement speech, 16 June 2015.

Dion Soethoudt's dream book 'Stealing from myself' serves as a first step towards an ego-free design method. See 'Stealing from myself' project page for more information.

My parents never lived together, so i've been raised in a split household since birth. 60% raised by my mother (caucasian, from the Netherlands), 30% by school/friends and 10% by my father (black, from the curacao). this split upbringing gave an unique experience, which is divided in all aspects of life. the absence of a father figure creates the presence of insecurities. How do these circumstances influence the mind of a designer.
A research into the mind of a childhood split by color, location, possession, memories, morals, value’s and taste.