Dion Soethoudt, a conceptual designer.
Being neither white nor black, his mixed cultural and physical identity is inescapably prominent in his life. It has shaped an unique and deviant way of thinking and designing, which often results in humour and challenges the status quo. This is the core of who he is and it is the core value of his work.
Just as a tickle provokes an extreme but light sense of pain, humour can act as an extreme and light agent to push boundaries, shape new norms, and transfer controversial thoughts and ideas.
He collects subconscious human behaviours and translate those formative moments into visual narratives. He works through multi-disciplinary design methods, such as illustration, 3D prototyping, installations and product design, conceptual design, speculative research and visual translations.
Through design, he dares to confront our collective frictions and tickle our most vulnerable fears.
ビジュアルコミニケーションデザイナー Dion Soethoudt。私のアイデアは諸分野の学問的デザインへと変換され、人間の潜在意識の行動を描き出す

Galileistraat 15
3029 AL
The Netherlands
CC: 66557186
© 2021, www.studiosoethoudt.com, All Rights Reserved.

VL92 gin x Dion Soethoudt - www.vl92.com
December, 2020 - April, 2021
Vlaardingen, NL
Illustration label gin bottles
A collaboration between the renowned VL92 Gin and Dion Soethoudt. Together we released a limited edition of one hundred hand illustrated VL92 Gin bottles.

Start-up Grant, Creative Industries Fund NL - www.stimuleringsfonds.nl
December 2020 - March 2021
Rottedam, NL
Start-up Grant Awardee
In December 2020 project I Like You And You Like I - Chapter 02, Domestication was given the vote of confidence from Stimuleringsfonds by receiving their Start-up Grant.

Soda Pop Shop - www.sodapopshop.nl
August, 2020 - ongoing
Rottedam, NL
Co-curating Soda fountain & cocktail bar
Mildly inspired by the soda fountains of the 1930s in the U.S., the Soda Pop Shop is a flavour-playground for young and old. We create our own ever-changing collection of invigorating, experimental and sometimes even health beneficial recipes.

WORTH partnership project - www.worthproject.eu
2019, March
Valencia, SP
Winner design competition
Project 'Fugazi Fugazi' got shortlisted for the WORTH partnership program in Valencia, Spain. On the 2nd of March 2019 I was invited to present the project for the final assessment round to the renowned judges. In the end it passed the evaluation and was awarded with the funding and project development coaching program.

House of Panic - collective - www.thepanics.com
Amsterdam, NL
As a freelance director, designer, host I am part of the House of Panics. A The Panics collective of friends from various disciplines to develop, create and share projects across multiple platforms. Dipping our fingers indifferent pots and exploring new ways of co-creation.

Playgrounds NEXT - www.weareplaygrounds.nl
2018 + 2019
Brabant, NL
Talent development program awardee
NEXT is a new tailor sized program intending to further local talent in tight collaboration with the industry, creative and educational field. The program supports local talents by using all means and individual guidance and coaching.

Art Center Ongoing - www.ongoing.jp
2018, April + May, residency + exhibition.
Tokyo, JP
Invited to partake in a two month art/design residency at the renowned Art Center Ongoing. Closing the residency with a week long exhibition, presenting the project "Temporary logic”.

Design Academy Eindhoven - www.designacademy.nl
2017, October, DAE graduation show Coordinator: entrance and box office
Eindhoven, NL
Reference: Caroline Wierckx +31 6 23297671
I coordinated the ticketing and admission of the graduation show entrance together with ±100 student employees. During the Dutch Design Week 2017, 50.000 visitors entered the Design Academy.

Technical University Delft - www.tudelft.nl
2017, June, Tutor for Masters Course Visual Communication Design TU
Technical University Delft, NL
Invited by Prof. C. van Middelkoop, MFA Chair of Visual Communication Design
POST-POSTFOLIO: The aim of this workshop will be to show the importance of having a voice of your own and how you can best prepare for the way(s) in which this voice might change over time, depending on the context in which you present yourself.

Vilnius Action
2017, 24th September – 1st October, Participation design workshop
Vilnius, LT
A team of young designers where invited to address important questions concerning the re-emergence of the synagogue on Gėlių street into the life of 21st-century Vilnius.

MADE Labs - www.madelabs.it
2017, 24th - 31st July, Participation design workshop
Syracuse, IT
8 days of workshops and lectures, 24 exceptional guests. To discuss authenticity and cultural heritage at the intersection of design, architecture, art, craft and local tradition.
I participated the workshops of:
Guillermo Santoma - Vernacular tourism & Bethan Laura Wood - Through your eyes

Design Residency: Basalt & Cryptomeria
www.picodorefugio.com- www.vimeo.com/151586977
2015, January - February, 4 weeks
Soa Miguel - Azores island, PT
A four week Art Residency organized by Pico do Refúgio – Casas de Campo with the support from Instituto Cultural de Ponta Delgada. The local project was focused to research the different properties of Basalt; visual features and the geological characteristics and Cryptomeria, a specific wood of Azores, which is very appropriate for humid environments.

Internship junior product designer: Studio Joao Abreu Valente - www.studio-jav.com - www.ojeam.studio
2014, 6 months
Lisbon, PT
A 6 month internship as an junios product designer, focussed on multiple materials, including ceramic earth-ware and basalt.

Leading lecture: Conversas XCI - www.arquivo237.com
2015, September
Lisbon, PT
I got invited by Arquivo 237 for the "Conversas Lisboa” — a series of weekly lectures to get to know and talk about each other’s projects.
Design Academy Eindhoven - www.designacademy.nl
Graduated 2016, BA of arts - Communication
Eindhoven, NL
Design Academy Eindhoven is an interdisciplinary educational institute for art, architecture and design in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Stand-up comedy
2015 - present
Sporadically I partake in stand-up comedy open-mic nights.

Colour : Exists
2020, 13-15 March
Amsterdam, NL
Project: To Yayoi Kusama, from Studio Soethoudt.
Three visual artists will showcase their work in a group exhibition transforming the white space of into a field of colour giving a kickstart to 2020 Spring!

What A Time To Be Alive! - Dutch Design Week
2019, 19-27 October
Eindhoven, NL
Project: I Like You And You Like I, chapter: 01, Personal Space.
The exhibition 'What A Time To Be Alive!' (#WATTBA) highlights positive change in an extraordinary world. As a platform for young talent, TAC offers its space to daring designers who celebrate diversity and commonalities, individuality and togetherness, sustainability and change.

I Like You And You Like I - Chapter: 01, Personal Space - www.ilyayli.com
2019, 19-27 October
Eindhoven, NL
Project: I Like You And You Like I, chapter: 01, Personal Space.
A performance where two autonomous entities spend seven days confined in a room of solitude. An autonomous robot, capable of exploring and defining its surroundings, and a 31 year old designer.

2019, 26 January
Breda, NL
During the exposition Dion oozes you with a brand new way to experience his work 'Stealing from myself'.

YOUNG ART NIGHT #11 - Van Abbemuseum
2018, 22nd September
Eindhoven, NL
Dion Soethoudt's project Sleeping Productivity was be displayed during the eleventh edition of the Young Art Night in the Van Abbemuseum, pops and cracks from the speakers, through the museum spaces into the city during the and weekend of Saturday September 22nd.

Art Center Ongoing - www.ongoing.jp
2018, May, exhibition.
Tokyo, JP
A week long exhibition presenting the project Temporary Logic.

Vilnius Action
2017, 1st October
Vilnius, LT
In collabrotaion with designer Agne Kucerenkaite. Project: Boxing ring in the centre of the synagogue, on Gėlių street, Vilnius.

In Need of ... Design Academy Eindhoven graduation show - Dutch Design Week - www.ddw.nl
2016, October
Eindhoven, NL
Showcasing projects: Stealing from myself & Sleeping productivity.

De toekomstbouwers 2019 extra
Online - 2019, October - Eindhoven, NL
VPRO selection of Future Builders, during Dutch Design Week in Eindhoven, Up-and-coming and high-profile design talents with ideas and solutions for the world of tomorrow. Who are these future builders? And how will their design also influence and change our daily lives?

Illustration article de Correspondent - www.decorrespondent.nl
Online - 2017, 2018 - Amsterdam, NL
Commisioned by de Correspondent to make editorial illustrations for the online article: 'Waarom de hele wereld erop vooruitgaat als jij decennia eerder met pensioen gaat.' & 'Denk in 2018 niet in goede voornemens, maar in dagelijkse rituelen.'

Papier Magazine #3 - www.papiermagazine.squarespace.com
Published work: N 31° 47’ 1.334”
Print - 2017, July - Paris, FR
The theme for the 3d issue is « Provocation ».

Het beeld - de Fusie - www.defusie.net
Online - 2017, March - Amsterdam, NL
The Dutch article, Bezeten door genieën, is an in depth article about methodology and process behind the project Stealing from myself.

VPRO top 10 tips Dutch Design Week 2016 - www.vpro.nl
Online - 2017, March - Amsterdam, NL
Selected by Dutch Public Media-broadcaster VPRO as top 10 tips to must-see during the 2016 Dutch Design Week.