I Like You And You Like I
Chapter 01: Personal Space

Entering: 19 October 2019 - 13:00 / Exiting: 26 October 2019 - 13:00.
Dutch Design Week, October 2019
A performance where two autonomous entities spend seven days confined in a room of solitude.
The project is inspired by (and an adaptation of) the 1974 Joseph Beuys performance in New York in which Beuys locked himself up with a wild coyote. Soethoudt chooses a different ‘spirit animal' in the form of an autonomous robot, capable of exploring and mapping its surroundings. With one dynamic element however: a 31-year-old designer. For seven consecutive days, living with only each other and themselves.
The seclusion takes place in hexagon-shaped room of 44m2 and has a 24H live stream. No windows and only one door equipped with a one-way mirror where DDW visitors can witness the event live and in person.
The A.I. and robotics revolution is causing a new status quo, as the industrial revolution did in the 19th century, railroading our conscious and subconscious decision-making. The digital to physical evolution of A.I. forces us have a tangible relation to it, and forces us - or it - to design its migration.
I Like You And You Like I is an inquiry into artificial intelligence, human intelligence, autonomous thinking and the building of relationships.
ILYAYLI - chapter: 01, teaser - vimeo.com/390283295

ILYAYLI concept illustration

7 carafe with water for 7 days.

Marker box & documentation board

Food hatch


Safety glasses, freedom hammer

Project description board with livestream, visiters entrance.

A glance into observation booth.

Livestream camera 1 & 2 - 7 days.

15:41, 19/10/'19 - Dion eating lunch.

Food hatch

17:12, 19/10/'19

18:00, 20/10/'19 - Roomba making markings

Roomba markings

13:03, 21/10/'19 - Writting on his documentation board.

Documentation board detail.

15:28, 21/10/'19 - Dion taking apart and reassembling the Roomba.

17:06, 21/10/'19

15:37, 22/10/'19 - Dion plays a game. He still hasn't thought of a name for it.

18:26, 23/10/'19 - Roomba trapped under the stool.

Visitors perspective from inside the observation booth

14:38, 23/10/'19 - Roomba outlines Dion with a marker on the carpet.

18:01, 23/10/'19

18:51, 23/10/'19

07:46, 24/10/'19 - Circadian light cycle.

Light installation, programmed to mimic color hue's of the circadian rhythm.

20:05, 24/10/'19

07:56, 25/10/'19 - Dion writting notes on bed frame.

Bed frame with pen marks from Dion.

Woman looking inside.

11:22, 26/10/'19 - Dion plays Ouija (YES/NO) game with the Roomba.

12:01, 26/10/'19 - 1500 push-ups, still weak AF.

13:00, 26/10/'19Red ' completion' card was just to signal Dion that it was Saturday the 26th, 13:00. The end of chapter 01.

13:02, 26/10/'19

One hour past noon on Saturday, the 26th of October, Dion Soethoudt literally burst out of his 7 day voluntary confinement, concluding the first of 7 chapters of his inquiry into Machine Learning, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. In this initial chapter, entitled ‘personal space’, Dion explored the mechanism and effects of sharing his surroundings in solitude with a self-operating entity of a new era.

'Dion has completed ILYAYLI cha(p)ter 01.'

13:04, 26/10/'19 - walk out.

18:50, 26/10/'19 - Roomba's final shut down.

Roomba dock, Roomba + marker markings

Documentation board, markers on multiplex wood - H 2295mm x W 1250mm

Orange with drawn footbal pattern.

Table of contents:

The team

I Like You and You Like I is a Playgrounds co-production and is made possible and developed within the tailor made talent trajectory Next. Next is initiated by Playgrounds and supported by PostPanic, Submarine, Solar World Cinema, independent filmmaker Frodo Kuipers, AKV|St. Joost, KLIK animation film festival, Playgrounds and Provincie Noord-Brabant. Coördinator Next: Paulien Mandos, Playgrounds
And a thank you to: Luuk Vos - Production assistent